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Hi All. I am trying to animate my solar eclipse to enter it hear,
 I have had a go in Photoshop and PIPP but nether seem to be right
forma I have tried to save as video clip and quick time movie,
 pleas can anybody help not to good with computers all help will
 be really appreciated.


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Hi Peter,

I have done this with GIMP with 27 images from the eclipse. Made them with my DSLR in RAW which results in 6000x4000 pixels and 24 MB per Image which is way to much. Here are a few hints: (i'm at work, have no GIMP here so it's a little crude)

Compress the images to lets say 1920x1080 --> Expert as... JPG (you can see the size of the resulting image in the export window, should be around 200 KB per image)

Open the first image in GIMP

Open all the other 26 "as layer"

Export as GIF --> in the export dialog check "Animated GIF" and set the delay to 1000 ms for example

Thats all ;)

You can see how it looks on the webpage in my signature. If you click the animated GIF you can look at it in full size. Should work similar in Photoshop I guess but I don't have any experience in PS.

Hope that helps



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I forgot. As Chris mentioned the pics must be aligned first --> The sun on each image must be at the same place. I don't have a guided scope so I have done this manually in GIMP. Tell me if you need more details with this. I can try to make a better "manual" in the evening when I'm home and have GIMP available ;)

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Hi Chris

How many images do you have to animate =  24

Are the images already aligned =  what is aligned,  they are all same size and ruefully same place  

How big are the images =  jpeg 200 x 154 or 752 x 580


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Hi Chris

How many images do you have to animate =  24

Are the images already aligned =  what is aligned,  they are all same size and ruefully same place  

How big are the images =  jpeg 200 x 154 or 752 x 580


Hi Peter,

By aligned I mean is the sun in the same place in each image.  If that is not the case we need to work a little harder.

For that small number of frames you might want to go with an animated GIF.

To simply produce an animated GIF from your images using PIPP, with no other processing, you do the following:

* Start PIPP and add the images to the source files list - ensure the images are in the correct order in the list.

* PIPP should automatically switch to join mode which is what you want.

* On the 'Output Options' tab set the 'Output Format' to 'Animated GIF'.

* On the 'Output Options' tab set the 'Frames Per Second To Use Otherwise' to 2 (Or whatever frame rate you want you want).

This step is optional:

* On the 'Animation Options' tab enable the 'Repeat All Frames In Sequence' if you want the animation to auto repeat rather than stop.

* There are other options to play around with on the 'Animation Options' tab, but lets ignore them for now.

Finally create the animated GIF:

* On the 'Do Processing' tab click the 'Start Processing' button.

* All done.

This will produce an animated GIF that will play your animation when viewed in a web browser, so nice and easy to post of forums.



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