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Is a Baader solar continuum filter worth getting?


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I'm using a C8 and a Thousand Oaks 2+ white light filter with a ZWO ASI120MC to image. Would a Baader solar continuum filter add any details when imaging? Anyone with some hands on experience with one your thoughts would be much appreciated.

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In all honesty I'd say ditch the glass filter and use Baader Solar film instead .

You'll get better detail with the film on it's own than with the Th Oaks and a Continuum.

Before you go for a Continuum though try an OIII or UHC if you already have them kicking about , and you'll want an IR Cut in there too. 

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Glass filter is nowhere as good as Baader film unless you invest in extremely expensive glass filters. The ones generally available are not up to par. Baader film is indeed the best option available and uber cheap.

I am visual only and I have found that using a solar continuum does provide a slight increase in contrast. A minus fringe filter also does nearly the same trick believe it or not.

But for imaging, riklaunin has it right. Baader film + IR cut = best. 

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AstroSolar + narrow filter with strong IR cutting seems to give the best results. Glass filter should also work the same way, but that would also depend on it quality.

Thank you all for the suggestions. This thousand Oaks +2 sells new for about 165 american and the quality is quite outstanding. I'm thinking just try the cut filter with this white light one i already have. 

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I tried a UHC v SC with my Lunt Herschel Wedge after seeing a similar thread to this one and honestly couldn't see much difference. I guess anything that narrows the bandwidth helps to increase contrast and therefore granular resolution in white light. Wish I'd known that earlier, as I already had a cheap UHC....

That said, jumping from 80mm (with the Wedge) to 200mm (Baader film only) gave me surface detail that no amount of filtering on the 80mm scope could replicate. I'm going to buy me a UHC filter in 2" to see what else it can add. If it doesn't, then at least it will be handy after the sun has gone down, I imagine!

FWIW, I was torn between a Thousand Oaks filter (something about glass seems right) and one of the new Baader ASTF filters (essentially a nice, temperature compensating cell for the Baader film). Every single opinion I read on the film v glass favoured the film for sheer contrast. The difference may be more subtle than the reviews seem to indicate, but ultimately the two surfaces of the film are so close together as to be negligible. Glass surfaces are just far enough apart to smear detail slightly and therefore reduce apparent contrast as a result.

I can't comment on that, as I haven't made the direct comparison, but it makes sense to this visual only bloke. My next step is to buy another ASTF for the 80mm Apo and work out if the Wedge is on borrowed time, or indeed, if an 80mm scope is worth it for white light solar when there's a 200mm scope lurking around.


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