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SynScan Handset Dead

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I'm not sure if this is the right place for this discussion, so forgive me if it's not.

Two nights ago, I set up my SkyWatcher 300 Goto scope in its usual place. I performed the usual two-star alignment, but found that the result was worse than normal. It's never *exact*, but usually workable. This time it was out by maybe a degree. I decided to try again. The results of the second alignment were no better.

I thought I'd give it one more go, but when I picked up the SynScan handset, I found that whilst the screen was illuminated, there was nothing on it. Completely blank. I switched the system off and on again (like you do), but to no avail.

I then connected the handset directly to the mains. No difference. The handset was dead.

Fortunately, I managed to borrow a 'spare' handset from a generous friend who lives nearby, and so was able to continue the session - the alignment worked perfectly with the spare.

Now I've only had this 'scope for 18 months. I contacted my supplier who said I would have to buy another handset as they are not repairable. That's £159! Should I accept this for a piece of kit that's so new?

Anybody had any similar experience? I've heard that SkyWatchers come with a 2-year guarantee, but I don't know how to check up on that - I can't find anything online.

Any comments would be gratefully received.

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Hi Peter,

I don't think that I have the right cable to do that. I may be able to borrow one this afternoon. I have tried starting the handset in update mode (holding down 8 and 0), but instead of it starting with a beep, it just beeps continuously. This doesn't stop until I unplug it again. Makes me think the update won't work.

I will give it a try, though. Thanks.


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One more thing if I may: The handset on Astroboot is not an 'AZ', and the supplier I emailed told me I would need an 'AZ' model. I have to say that the one I borrowed is NOT an 'AZ', and it seems to work fine.

Anybody got anything they can tell me? Thanks all.

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The instruction manual says:

A SynScan hand control with a firmware version 3.32 or later supports both an equatorial mount and an alt-azimuth mount. It is able to detect the model of the mount to which it connects and select the appropriate operation mode accordingly. For an equatorial/Alt-azimuth dual-mode mount, such as the AZ-EQ6 GT mount, the SynScan hand control will request the user to choose the mount’s operating mode. • The LCD screen will display “Operating Mode” in the first line. • Use the scrolling keys located at the bottom left and right of the keypad to choose between Equatorial mode (EQ Mode) and Alt-azimuth mode (AZ Mode). • Press ENTER to confirm the selection.

So, it seems to me that, as long as its at least 3.32 it should be ok.


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