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Canon 1000d on / off?


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Had a quick search but could not find any ref to what I am looking for.

I want to remote switch on and off my Canon 1000d.

Has anyone attempted the following;-

Leave camera in the on position via the top right 'thumb switch / lever' and attempt to try on off via battery power / connection.  Does this result in 'errors' being displayed etc?

Maybe someone has tried this, would like to know results before I attempt!


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If the camera switch is in the 'on' position and has gone into stand-by then sending a command, like start live view, will wake the camera but it usually takes a few seconds to wake up. I usually I have to re-send the command again to get it to do things.

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The camera power switch does a "Soft" off... If the camera is in the middle of doing something then it will finish it first them go "off".... 

Switching an external supply off is a  (Twitter he not) "Hard" off...  so if an image was being written or the camera doing an auto dark etc it would not finish nicely and you could end up with a corrupted file on the card...

I used my 1000D on an external supply for a couple of years with no issues...


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Dear Dr!

Thanks for your response to my question.

I should have said that I am not operating the cameras via any pc's / eos utility etc.

I am trying to fabricate a system that is 'standalone' so the cameras need to be enabled / disabled remotely and was hoping to do this from its power supply.

I posted the same question in my thread on quad multi lens imaging camera in the diy section and someone kindly came through with an OK.


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Thanks for your reply, very helpful. Great to know that you have done this for years with no issues. I will be careful not to isolate the supplies to the cameras before they have finished the data storage of images!

Thanks again.


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