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Realm of the Galaxies (from Camberwell) - Part 1


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Hi All,

Latest batch of captures from the orange skies of Camberwell. A very rewarding session last night with unusually good skies.

Main objective of the evening was to attempt to see some of the more distant galaxy clusters (inspired by the likes of Nytecam and Martin in Spain) from my location testing out the SX Lodestar Mx2 using LL0.11. So these are up first. Whilst feint and fuzzy, just being able to see such distant clusters from my backyard has been a long time ambition and is very satisfying indeed.  

Using a Meade LX90 200mm SCT scope and MFR5 FR with a UHC filter.

Had a problem with stacking last night & not sure why this was not working, so I think most of these are single frames. Also for some reason target information was not saved on each image - advice on these 'user error' issues appreciated.

First up: Abell 1367 - Part of the Great Wall (280MLY)



Copelands Septet NGC3753+ (480MLY)


Third: Abell 1656 - Part of the Great Wall (320 MLY)


Finally: NGC3158 and region - Galaxy Cluster in Leo Minor (275 MLY)


Hope you enjoy, any comments & feedback welcome! More from the realm of the Galaxies to follow.



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Hi Pat

It's great to see these galaxies clusters emerge on the screen, isn't it? Your Copeland's Septet is very clear. I only just realised looking at your image how much this is like a galactic mini-Orion! You've got a hint of PGC 169872 (mag 16.7) NNW of the upper galaxy. This has a similar distance as the rest so may well be part of the same group? Also a very slight hint of the '8th' member, PGC36010 (mag 17).

If these are single frames then it looks to me as if tracking wasn't spot on, hence LL having problems stacking. It sometimes happens if I'm rushing during alignment.

Looking forward to seeing the rest.


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