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What's Gone Wrong Here


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I was shooting a few frames of the moon using my ED80 and ZWO ASI120MM-S last night.

I thought I'd done reasonably well with the resulting capture.  AS2 certainly showed that the video was of significantly higher quality than any moon videos I had shot before.  I was able to use 23% of the 300 frames captured - and these were all at >75% quality.  I was looking forward to seeing the result.  However, I got this:


(I have boosted gamma a little in Astra Image just to make the problem obvious).  You can see that it clearly has not aligned properly.  (Look at the top left for an example).  Any ideas as to what I was doing wrong?  I used my normal settings and had had OK results before?

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I was shooting a few frames of the moon using my ED80 and ZWO ASI120MM-S last night.

...Any ideas as to what I was doing wrong?  I used my normal settings and had had OK results before?

I think I had the answer.  I had "Min Bright" set to '0'.  As such, there were large amounts of black areas in the image that were getting APs.  I think this confused AS2.  Once I set Min Bright to '10'. the problem was solved.

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