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Hello stargazers I am now to the night sky. I have been trying to view Jupiter has its my favourite planet.I got alto of help off a few people the eye peace I was adviced to use was a 5mm eye peace for Jupiter. When I got my new telescope the only lens I got were.... H12.5 km,H20 mm,SR4 mm,1.5xerecting eyepiece and my telescope his dynasun 76x700 reflector. Thanks Jason x

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I generally advise an eyepiece about the same as the f number of the scope.

Yours is 9.2 so I would say a 9mm or 10mm or something close.

A 10mm would deliver 70x which should be reasonable on Jupiter.

You will not see the GRS but a couple of bands easily and perhaps outer 2 bands may just show up, somewhat vaguely.

I personally would stop at a 7mm for 100x, if you go down that route.

Most scopes do not deliver the magnifications claimed.

The eyepieces supplied are simple Huygens and Ramsden eyepieces both have inherent problems in the basic design.

The 2.5mm and the 4mm are really little or no use.

I also suggest not using the erecting eyepiece.

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