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M45 - The Pleiades - LRGB


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Thank you lensman & Rico.

You're absolutely right, AG, to only lose one 10 minute sub is not a bad result at all! I'm just curious as to how others manage to clip out such artefacts in stacking.

I tend to have a go at stacking with the frame in the stack, and if there is any evidence of the trail in the final image I throw the frame away and re-stack it.

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I suspect that the four diffraction spikes that I am seeing on the brighter stars are a result of the sensor in use - the KAF 8300 micro-lenses are known to produce this artefact.

That's interesting Steve. I'm not normally a fan of spikes, but I can live with these little suggestions of spikes!

Thank you @ciels noirs, Lensman57 & tollytastic1. As for shooting a DSO right next to the moon... There's only one outcome with that. I know the feeling though, sometimes you just have to give it a try!

@frugal, that's exactly what I did...

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Finally I have had the chance to fiddle with the image a bit, acting on some of the suggestions (thank you for those). I tried to eek out a bit more nebulosity, but failed to make any improvement without upsetting other elements of the image, so gave up. I have balanced the background, which was out by several points. This has also had the effect of enhancing the blues a little. So, many thanks for the feedback.

I hope everyone is enjoying a sparkly cold, clear and dark sky out there tonight!


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