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I live in Belgium, where darkness is a word long-forgotten... But I do have a car, where should I go?

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I live in a light polluted area in Belgium (thats not too difficult), close to Brussels. But I have a car and I can drive anywhere.

What are some amazing places to go where the night sky is still really stunning? I'm guessing some remote places in France are not too bad, but I'm not sure of any exact location. If its really worth it I can drive a lot further too (but obviously I'd like to stick to Europe, and my car also doesn't run on water  :tongue: ).

Any tips?

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LOL, France. Oui. :);)  No LP here, nearest single street lamp over 1km away, and that gets turned off when it goes dark!

but seriously, if you can get out of the main city, maybe out into the wooded area to the South you will see a big difference. Especially if you observe away from the city light dome.

Welcome to SGL. :)

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Light polution here too but ti doesn't have to be a problem so long as light does not fall directly into on the tube all should be well.

I can set up in the garden and even observe nebulae withing 4 metres of a sodium-yellow street lamp. Not ideal but it does work.

Memo to self, I must ask the council to hood that lamp.

For better viewing one simply transports to the nearest woodland or heathland clearing where the foliage shields out the urban lights.

We can even find such spots within the town proper but better to go a few kilometres away and up onto the nearby (Newbury, England) downland.

Problem there is our National Truss like to lock car park gates at dusk to stop "vanadalism". I'm a bit puzzled by that.

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