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What should I do tonight?


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..no, don't say go down the pub!

Hopefully, we might get some clear skies. I have a Toucam and have been having my first attempts at imaging.

I decided to start small and so connected the camera to an ETX70AT (I am amazed how well these scopes perform), but am also keen to connect up to my 10" LXD55.

So, the question is, what should I take a look at. Does anyone know of any absolute beginners tutorials for imaging, I'd like to go for a few Messiers, but am not sure how long to expose (the camera!) etc...

I know that it is hit and miss and a lot of imaging techniques come through trial amnd error, but it would be nice to get a couple of easy, good shots in there, just to boost the enthusiasm when it all goes wrong!

Thanks all,


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Do you have a modified webcam?

If you haven't then Messiers will not possible.

If you have then, I started at a few seconds to fine tune the focus etc and then went up to (whatever I could get away with due to trailing). Normally managed 25 - 30 seconds.

M81 and M82 are good targets, M51 the whirlpool is doable.

M51 - 19 x 20 second images captured using K3CCD and stacked/aligned in Registaxv2


M82 - SC1 Modified Toucam Pro. 20 x 20 seconds, captured using K3CCD tools and aligned & stacked in Registax v2.


Failing that, there is the moon - much easier than DSO's...

Good Luck


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Hi Ant,

No it is not modified, so I guess it is the moon for me.

Did a quick search and found Astronomiser will modify the Toucam for me for £55, is this okay as a deal? Is there anything better I can do or get?

Questions, questions eh?



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Astronomiser (Andy Ellis) is a retailer here on SGL as well as an Admin on UKAI. He is well known in astronomy circles.

He provides a first class service and I have no issue at all in recomending him.

You might find a little cheaper (although I doubt it), it's unlikely you'll find better.


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