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Soft carry case.


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Hello all.  Thought i'd like to pass on info re a recent purchase from Fleabay.  I have NO affiliation to the seller.

Bought one of these. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141454610650?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

Length 33 in   Height  11in  Width only about 3 in when empty.   However i bought so I could store my Borg 76 still fitted with a pair of 5 in guidescope rings, finderscope and dovetail.

Fits nicely with room to spare.  A few velcro fasteners are inside the case and with use of I am happy my scope will not be jumping around while in transit.

Was hoping it was worth a punt and it was.

Much cheaper than the usual £60 - £70 refractor cases I have scouted for.  Think largest scope size would be an ED 80.  Might hold a ED100 or similar going from memory of previous OTA's I have had.

Regards   John





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