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Skyprodigy 130 What model is it ?

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Hi got hold of what was advertised as a sky prodigy 130 ( all labels say so )

but downloading the manual I have a different ccd  camera lens ( mine has a filter ring on it)

Is it a new version?

also having trouble with the hand controller will not go into some of the menu functions.

Is this because I have not aligned it properly

any advice welcome


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Don't take this the wrong way as I can't be the only one that thinks this as you would have had an answer by now but, your question doesn't make any sense.

Can you try and explain a bit more clearly?

I don't want you to think that you are being ignored, I think we are trying to get our heads around the question.

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Thanks for the reply

I realise now the ccd camera lens

has had a filter ring added to it, I guess its to allow filters to added to protect the

electronics when observing say the sum.

thought it might be a black import...

My second  point was that the hand set will only allow me to use certain buttons  pressing say

the help button does nothing

motor speed does nothing

menu nothing

do I have to align the telescope for these to work.?

As the hand set has lost its cover on the bottom where the  cable  to  rs232 plug  connects to

maybe the last owner tried to update the hand set and messed it up (not shore)

any ideas to where I can get the correct lead from


[removed word]

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Hi well all clear now ... you cannot use the hand set without it being aligned first..

thought the hand set was broken.. Aligned last night and worked perfect. What a telescope ( even for me)

need to get 6mm  & 10mm eye piece , 12volt power pack..(or a long..long extention cable).Winter  warmers too


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Follow up  I though it was too good so it was...

As I had thought the handset was not working correctly showing the line 1 540 fault.

Out last night in between the light show of the meteor showers ( quite a few)

anyway the telescope would find stars and alighn but on closer inspection the enter

was not working...

cut a long story short had fun manualy star gazing.

Time for bed as it got cold and cloudy..

Just had to look at the handset again........4am took it apart  low and behold who ever took

it apart before had trapped a small ribbon connector  strip between the button and the contacts.so when I pressed the button it

just pressed on the ribbon not the contacts

back together 6.25am

must try

all working as it should

wow for 80 pounds!!!!!!!

this may help check before you buy

do as I say not as I do ha ha


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