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ball and socket mounts for scopes?

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Been looking at different ideas of mounting my C6 sct and a Celestron 102 refactor that I should be receiving this week for casual/grab and go observing wether it be terrestial or stargazing. I've already got an EQ1, EQ2, CG3 AND CG5, and a couple of camera tripods. I've looked at the AZ3, giro, ez touch, voyagers etc, but ultimately I don't want to shell out shed loads on another expensive mount, especially as there are so many other accesories I would like for my growing number of scopes. Tonight, whist on ebay I came across a ball and socket tripod head which is made my 'Kood'. It looks reasonably substantial and depending on the model can carry upto 8, 12 or 15kg. Apart from the standard camara mount thread on the quick release plate which would fit ny Celestron 102 it also has a full 44mm dovetail slot which looks like it would fit my C6sct. Their priced between £30 and £50 which is affordable, but my question is am I wasting my time looking at a ball and socket tripod head for mounting either or my 102 or C6. Assuming I use a reasonable tripod to start would this type of mount be stable enough and would the manual push movement action be fluid and precise enough for casual tracking? It would be nice if it was as it could possibly kill the '2 birds with one stone' by the fact its a straight forward fitment for either of the 2 scopes I've mentioned and it doesn't drain my piggybank too much...

Regards, Rob.

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I find my husband's camera ball and socket mount really difficult to use for astro purposes, its just so difficult to control. What is really easy to use though is a video pan and tilt head, as long as you get one where the tension is adjustable, that gives much better slow motion control. The Horizon tripod and head Steve sells http://www.firstlightoptics.com/proddetail.php?prod=Horizon8115HD tripod is brilliant - solid and smooth, and goes high enough for using with binoculars too!.


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Thanks for the replies. After a chat with the chap who's selling the ball and socket mount I've decided to give it a whirl and the said mount should be arriving before 1pm today. Your advice was taken into account, but in the end I couldn't go wrong with the fact he's offered me a full refund if I'm not happy in any way with the way the mount works with my scopes [he can't be fairer than that]. He says other customers have been delighted with the results of the mount in combination with telescopes, so we'll see when I put it to the test with my 102mm short tube refractor and C6sct. To be honest, I've since thought of other extra possible uses for the mount so hopefully if it is a qaulity item it'll be a win win situation. Good or bad I'll post an update/review. My fingers are crossed!!

Cheers, Rob.

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Hello Rob7!

Yes, I've just ordrered one of the "Kood BH-28Q" ball heads for my Velbon D7000 tripod (on which the fluid filled head is not strong enough to hold my 90mm Maksutov scope).

I am looking forward to receiving this - in some trepidation as to whether I've done the right thing. However the chap I spoke to said he would give a total refund if the head was unsuitable.

No doubt we'll both post the results on SGL!



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Philsail1, I think the one you've gone for is the 15kg rated mount. I've had the 12kg rated version. First daylight terestial impressions for the 12kg mount are favourable with my Celestron 102 short tube refractor. Also, brucey bonus is the quick release plate does indeed fit not only camera type threaded mounts but also vixen style dovetails. [looked at the telescope service dovetail clamp which was about £36 'just for the clamp]. My C6sct is gripped nice and tight, but I'm doubtful the mount will be best mated to this scope. More testing to come as soon as I've fathed around sorting the tripod I plan to use with the mount. I think you should be happy with your mount and 90mm Mak as it easily supports my 102mm Refractor..Please let us know what your first impessions are when you've had a little go with yours...

Cheers, Rob.

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You just beat to it Philsail1!! I've literally just sat down with my laptop, camera, and fingers ready to do a post about the kood...I'll now pop[ over to your review to see if your comments..

Cheers, Rob.

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