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Losmandy Adapter rail


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I'm contemplating changing the vixen rail on my 6"RC which connects to the OTA tube directly to a losmandy for all the added benefits of the bigger chunkier rail.

I came across this on TS http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/language/en/info/p3347_Adapterschiene-fuer-GP-Prismenschienen-auf-3--Losmandy-Level.html does anybody use one?

Do you think this would be a worthwhile purchase, not as good as a dedicated new rail as it just clamps on to the existing vixen.

Or there are in the States a company that make a Losmandy rail for the 6"RC but I'm unsure as to if it will attach via the same screws holes in the OTA for the vixen rail.


Thoughts appreciated :)

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To provide an answer to my own question the dealer has assured me that the losmandy bar fits to the 6"RC OTA via the same screw holes as the vixen rail, no need for modification of any sort. This looks like the way to go!

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