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Bolt loose in tube

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If you can add some 8x40 or 10x50 binoculars, they  can both be active with the visual side of Astronomy, finding is easier with both eyes using binoculars, then zoom in with the telescope, maybe taking it in turn to help the other to locate the targets. Also binoculars can be easily used from an open window, without the thermal interference that higher powered telescopes  can and will magnify, causing havoc with the seeing conditions during the early part of their viewing sessions when using  the telescope?  the cooler the telescope is to the ambient outside conditions, the better the seeing will be!

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Yes, I'm a "she" not a "he". Burke is my last name. No worries.

Thank you everyone for your input. The new family is under "difficult times". They are in their 50's and down to one income as she has been unable to work since being diagnosed with Trigeminal neuralgia (known as the "suicide disease"). They went to a star-gazing event last year for their 6 year anniversary and fell in love with it. But it is difficult for her to "get out" most the time. Instead of encouraging them to get a "better" one I am gifting them this "old" free one! I know they will value it greatly. They can replace the worries of money and health problems with the wonder of the stars as often as they would like - everyone here agrees that just makes life better, right?

Hi 'Burke'

Glad that you have resolved the problem.

A nice gesture by 'gifting' it to a family that: '"...is under "difficult times."' :icon_salut:  .

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A good device to have around is a telescoping magnetic-wand. In the event of any steel nuts & bolts getting loose, this makes retrieval quite easy. These devices fold-up to the size of a pen - and even have a pocket-clasp. Useful for many other situations as well.

Clear Skies,


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If you can add some 8x40 or 10x50 binoculars, they  can both be active with the visual side of Astronomy, finding is easier with both eyes using binoculars, then zoom in with the telescope, maybe taking it in turn to help the other to locate the targets. Also binoculars can be easily used from an open window, without the thermal interference that higher powered telescopes  can and will magnify, causing havoc with the seeing conditions during the early part of their viewing sessions when using  the telescope?  the cooler the telescope is to the ambient outside conditions, the better the seeing will be!

He had a pair of binoculars they shared for a while... until I gave them a second pair earlier this year. But, they mostly use them for bird-watching during the day.

That is a helpful hint I will pass along: to let the telescope "adjust" to the outside temperatures before use for better viewing. While waiting, they can use their binoculars to locate their targets.

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A good device to have around is a telescoping magnetic-wand. In the event of any steel nuts & bolts getting loose, this makes retrieval quite easy. These devices fold-up to the size of a pen - and even have a pocket-clasp. Useful for many other situations as well.


Clear Skies,



You bet I own one of those! Two actually. It is a must-have for any do-it-yourself-er!

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