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Nexstar+ programming

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I have a nexstar 4se with nexstar+ handset. Recently I switched on and it read 'Boot loader invalid pkg 0010'. Have tried to re-programme using CFM 1.9.4200.  CFM recognises scope and I can get the handset to read 'Boot loader use key pad entry' but CFM will not download anything to the scope. Does anybody know if I have trouble with handset or is it the mount?

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All I can see is that you need 2 cables to connect things up with - do you have them both ?

Everything refers to "Boot loader invalid pkg 0002" and "Boot loader invalid pkg 0080" nothing I can find states "Boot loader invalid pkg 0010".

However from the description I would expect it is saying that packet 10 has failed a CRC or similar, either before or after it was downloaded and expanded.

In effect the number is not overly relevant.

If new contact the retailer, may be easier/safer/better to get a replacement.

Just thought, this is not another USB-Serial problem where one converter and drivers work and another doesn't ?

If you an drop the speed down, that sometimes helps.

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I have done this recently when i had my boot loader error...

I had to order  a specific USB to serial cable (mentioned in a previous thread) (I ordered the trendnet one) these were links from the Celestron website.

Here is information on the USB-RS232 cable you need:



Here is information on the other cable you need:


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 which connects to a usb adapter  for the computer.

I think the SE range come with the correct handset to serial cable, but be aware that not all serial to usb adaptors are equal. Some do not do the job, I think it is to do with the chipset.

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Glad it is sorted, another thing to remember then is that there are security settings (?)

Have to say worked in embedded software for years and the way that scopes do the loading of software seems diabolical.

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