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AstroTortilla - won't load saved settings...

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Tut! After all that! It's not an AT problem - it must be a system/file location problem or something similar.

You have your rig permanently setup don't you? I have to admit that AT is more useful if setup is variable. With multi-star alignment you'll have a good pointing model. Hope you don't feel you've wasted money on the new laptop...

All the best


The save file and default file are in the same folder. the default folder as it is... the one called astrotortilla.net or something like that. I've also tried saving and loading from other locations, but with same results.

Also, after saving settings to a file, I have immediately opened that file with notepad to see if anything was written to it. Nada... Nothing.. Zero... :Envy:

My rig is semi-permanent. That is, the scope and mount is permanently in place. I Carry laptop, camera, and 2x batteries. Thats it.

I am very happy with the new laptop. Now I can run PHD guiding continously using it as digital finder-scope without the computer getting all choppy and slow. I do not regret getting it. Besides, as far as AT goes. I've saved my configuration settings in a txt file on the desktop so I can easilly manually enter and cut & paste into AT if I should ever feel the need to use it.

Right now I am just waiting for some clear moonless nights. Or just clear skies - as I want to try my 7nm Ha narrowband filter.

Speaking of narrowband.. How long exposures do I need to run with a color DSLR camera?

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Hmm... it's very weird and I'm sure it must have a simple explanation! I can't say as I've come across anyone who's had that problem. You didn't say what settings you were trying to change and what you were entering? I take it you've installed it in the default location (C: drive) etc.? If you edit the cfg file in a text editor, save it (same default name - Astrotortilla.cfg in AppData/Local/astrotortilla.sf.net/AstroTortilla - if file structure is the same in Win 8.1), then reload it in the text editor, it must be changed...

Anyway, I suppose this is academic if you've decided not to bother with it!

I've been waiting weeks for a clear night without the Moon... :(

Is this your cooled, modded dslr? I can't say what exposures you'd need. It will depend on the target. You have relatively dark skies so I'd try a 10min sub and see where the histogram is. I think you have to stack subs in 'super-pixel' mode:



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