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Polar Scope Reticle Alignment - Solution!

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Hi guys. Just wanted to share with you all a solution I have found to aligning the reticle of my polar scope. I had a bit of a headache originally trying to do this, I first attempted it using a single alan key and after a while of fruitless adjusting, this method was going nowhere, except driving me insane.  So I went back to the drawing board and found out about thumb screws, replacing the grub screws on the polar scope with these. I really liked this method because you could turn two screws at the same time, which made positioning the cross hair much quicker and easier. This at first seemed to be the miracle cure and I had nearly got it bang on when I found out from other users that the thumb screws come loose.  I was quite gutted to find this out as I knew I would have to go back to the alan key. BUT... turning two screws at once gave me an idea, what if I were to use more than one alan key to do the same thing. Unfortunately I quickly discovered that the alan keys fall out if left so I tried to think of something to hold them in and that's when my Eureka moment happened... Blu Tack!! Whacked a bit of blu tack around the alan keys where they join the polar scope and the alan keys stay in place, allowing me to use two alan keys at once. As I had almost got it bang on with the thumb screws it only took me 5 minutes to fine tune and get it exactly on. So I expect you may already know about this method, but for those who don't, I hope it helps. See below a photo I took showing the 3 alan keys in place.


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Nice solution Ben, just make sure they are angled away from you....don't want you taking an eye out in the dark!

Thanks. Not going to be an issue though, as I've already done it in the day light, hoping I won't need to do it again, and if I do it'll be another daytime job.

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Your 3 months too late Ben  :cry: Only took me an hour and a half and a cripplingly sore back to do mine!

I really wish I had thought of that at the time.

Well done for an hour and a half! I think if I'd stuck at only using one alan key it would have taken me a month and a half!

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