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Scope Views Website


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This is a small review of....another reviewer's writings.

I discovered Roger Vine's website 'Scope Views' one Sunday morning over coffee and found it difficult to tear myself away from it. Mr. Vine is an experienced astronomer with an obvious passion for telescopes of all creeds. Some ranging from the cheap and cheerful, right up to some premium grade Televue and TMB models. I read most of the reviews and thought that they were well written, accurate and also accompanied by some light humour which I found entertaining.

Along with photo's of the OTA's there are also camera shots of distant trees (branches on sky) for displaying colour and contrast characteristics of different models. Lunar shots are also present for some OTA's and these do help immensely to see the differences (for example) between a 7" APO and an 8" SCT.

As for the amount of OTA's Mr. Vine has owned or borrowed, well I am green with envy, as all types of tube have been inspected, (and in some cases dissected) and then meticulously tested. APO's, Maks, SCT's, Achromats - they're all there.

As for the opening photo of Mr. Vine's house, with the observatory in the fore-ground....all I can think is...'perhaps one day!'

Read and enjoy.


Regards Steve

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