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Milky way

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Hi peeps. Was just wondering if its possible to be able to see the milky way with the naked eye?? I've only ever seen the pictures. But just been into the back garden and got an unbelievable dark clear night here just inside the peak district. Seeing 100's more stars than usual. And I could just make out a really faint hazy band from east to west (ish) give or take. With not a cloud in the sky! hope ive made the question understandable for you Lol many thanks.

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........just back in myself.  There wasn't sufficient time for the telescope to cool. I`m trying to get first light with my WO6mm SPL. But the Milky Way  was spectacular as ever.

I notice too, Orion just  above my Skyline of trees and buildings. The signs of  Autumn-Winter  arrive so fast  here in Scotland. 

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