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2nd DSO - M13... any processing suggestions?


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These were taken and stacked a couple of weeks ago, I can't even remember how many subs, but I put them into PS and tweaked the levels and curves a tiny bit, but apart from that I'm not really sure what else to do with it (apart from sort out a method for flats as I have a giant dust bunny).   Does anyone have any suggestions?  What else can you so with essentially a b&w starfield?  I've attached the original and also a cropped one as it was a bit small in the FOV of my ED80.



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There should be some colour in there some where.

I'm assuming they were quite short exposures as not many stars showing.

Here is one of my very first of M13, I know they were 600sec subs with my ED80 and Canon 60Da.

It is fairly small in an ED80 and mine is cropped out.


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