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Imaging - Tentative First Steps!


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Hi All

I have spent so much time looking into this and want to take the first steps into imaging. I appreciate there is a lot to learn but i would like to begin taking "simple" images while i continue to read and learn. I have a Skywatcher 150p Dob with a Nikon D40, i appreciate this setup is not ideal for DSO's and even lunar and planetary imaging is a challenge.....I like a challenge!

I would like to begin by simple wide angled shots of the constellations, this would help me learn to stack and process before taking the plunge into buying the expensive kit required. Is it possible to do this with a D40 and tripod? 

I have had a play taking a few shots but could really do with some more advice from those who know a little more. What camera settings would be best suited for such photos?

If someone with the time wouldnt mind helping point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. I have started to look at DSS to get a feel for the process, are there any free software packages that can be used post DSS to improve images?

I understand this is quite vague - any information would be appreciated.



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Give this website a try too:


It has some simple tutorials and advice on settings.

If you get a Nikon T-ring http://www.firstlightoptics.com/adaptors/t-rings.html - you can unscrew the 'tube' part of the 1.25" focuser, screw the T-ring onto the part that slots into the telescope and attach to the camera like a lens for prime focus imaging. You can take some good lunar shots this way although with the D40, focusing will be trial and error as you don't have a live-view screen, but with patience you should be able to get some good lunar photos.

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Too few of us take images of the constellations which is a great pity as they can be beautiful. This is a great opportunity for you to give them a try but your exposures will need to be kept short to avoid star trailing. But, there's another thing to try - Star Trails! Your camera on a fixed tripod would be a great way of capturing some stunning star trail images.

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I have an image i am really happy with (for a first attempt) but i am having trouble uploading due to size of the file i think. How do i reduce this, i'd like to see what you think.

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