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Artemis filter wheel


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When doing a sequence of images in Artemis capture the Filter wheel check icon does not change when the images do from one filter to the other.

Is this normal ?

or maybe the filter wheel is not turning automaticly in the sequencer.

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Yes I am using an Atik filter wheel.

The wheel does turn when I select the filters in the Filter window but when the sequencer says it is changing the filter the Filter icon still displays the same filter, ie 1

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Don't worry, the filterwheel, when changed using the sequencer, does not change the separate filter position in its little window. To know what filter you are running you look at the sequencer window and it will say, for example, Line 3 repeat 4, meaning it's doing whatever you have in your third line for the fourth time.

The sequencer over-rides everything on the rest of the screen EXCEPT the sub frame selector. I regard this as an error on the part of the programmer because you are never going to want to run a sequence of cropped images, surely? And it means that, having used the subframe to do an FWHM focus, you can launch a sequence and accidentally shoot a whole sequence of single stars... I'd like to see that changes, personally. The nice thing about the sequencer is that it eliminates middle of the night errors in filing, autosaving, etc. The only potential error that remains is leaving the sub frame active. Having a talent for making mistakes I've got that one bagged, needless to say!


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This is what I thought and hoped but wanted to be sure that the filter was changing.

I put a standby time of 10 seconds between frames to give time for the filter wheel to turn, Is this enough?

I have also used for the first time my flat field panel and have had to put 2 thick pieces of white paper/card in order to get an average reading of 30000 at an exposure of 0.4 seconds.I am hoping that the paper/card will not have too many artifacts that would effect my flats?

I used maxim dl to check for the saturation of my flats as I could not find a way to check it with Artemis.

Thanks for the help Olly and Red Dwarf.

Olly I am having difficulty framing dark nebular so I think I will pick m27 as a first target.

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