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Deep sky stacker and registax HELP!!!!!


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Just new to these programs and i Find that Registax has like a cork screw effect of images of the moon with tiff files and Deep sky stacker makes the moon look over exposed when stacked does any one know a good website or tutorials to get me started?

Sorry if this has already been covered couldnt see any posts

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Deep sky stacker is used to register and stack starfields etc and as such is not ment to be used for lunar or planetary images.

Registax works with lunar or planetary images but i personally find it a bit fussy with the format and movement between images, there is another piece of free software called PIPP that can take a set of images crop  and center them and output them in a more suitable format for registax.

I cant help with tutorial links but i would suggest that with DSS that you make sure you have the latest version (beta) if you are having problems with RAW file formats.

Hope this helps


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