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Star aligning with synscan before connecting to EQmod or ???

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Wasn't to sure where to post this, but was hoping someone could enlighten me, Its been a while since i've used my laptop/eqmod/mount setup due to time restraints of an evening so have just been using the handset to find my way about, had a clear night the other night as was weekend & had more time so connected everything up, switched on, filled in all the usual time, date, co-ord, etc on handset but didn't do a star align & just connected it to laptop. Using stellarium i picked a target M13 for easyness as was almost overhead, mount slewed but missed it by a fair bit, now would this be because i've not done a star alignment with handset or would it be for another reason that i've overlooked somewhere ??

any advice much appreciated



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If you're using EQMOD then you need to perform alignment in EQMOD. If you use the synscan you need to perform alignment using the handset. EQMOD alignment and handset alignment are totally independent.

For what its worth, plate solving with astrotortilla/eqmod simply provides an alternative to star based alignment - the result is the same i.e. an alignment model that EQMOD then uses to increase goto accuracy.



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thank you for the replies,

Hi chris thanks for clearing that up was a lil clouded on that, i'm still a bit rusty & have not used EQMOD that much if at all this year or before for that matter with the lousy weather an all, still learning some of it, but i have all the components in place to use it ie EQMOD, APT, Astrotortilla all working and talk to each other hopefully with the longer nights approaching will get to try these out  in anger & see wot happens,

also im guessing i shouldnt expect amazingly long sub lengths with an eq3-2, i do have the eq5 legs on it now an it defo more stable.



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