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What is this in my Photo? Phenomenon, natural or Camera induced?

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Hi Guys, 

I've been dabbling with shooting the Milky Way in my local area of Dorset and a week ago I captured this image, whilst processing it, I noticed a rather odd phenomenon between 2 distinct stars in the centre of the image, it almost looks like a plasma trail or a lightning bolt between the two! Now I'm not astrophysicist, but I'm not dumb either! Firstly I thought its a light trail from something else, but its not straight, like a plane or orbiting object light trail would appear, so next I can only think its something in camera that's happened?? I'm very very confused! lol so thought I'd ask some of you clever people to have a look and see what you think of it?




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Nice image and composition.

I think it's a bit of camera wobble when taking the image, with two stars in the image are bright enough to leave a visible streak. Are you using the camera's timer or just clicking the shutter release? I've also had similar things happen when my tripod wasn't tightened up properly, even using the timer the action of the camera's shutters was enough to shake it a bit. I didn't realise I could twist the tripod handle to tighten the altitude control.

A close up of the second streak should confirm this or rule it out. If it's a wobble the pattern of movement should be identical.

It looks a bit like blooming as the bright star over-saturates the pixel well. There's another one to the right of the branch near the dark MW dust lanes.


Wouldn't the line to be straight along the pixel matrix if it was due to blooming?

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