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NGC 7380 Wizard Neb in HST Palette


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Well 9 hours and 40 minutes later... This is as good as it is getting. There is very little OIII or SII signal in this so both needed stretching hard to see anything at all. Doing that creates all sorts of other problems with star bloat and background noise. Done the best I can with the processing but it still has issues...

Scope: TV NP127is

Mount: Losmandy G11 + Gemini

CCD Camera: Atik 490EX @ 1x1 (around 1.1 arc-sec /pxl)

Guide: TV Pronto + Lodestar.

Processed in StarTools, AstroArt 5, Ps, and PI (threw everything at it...)

This is a crop of the full frame.



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Yep, both OIII and SII are weak on this one.

Note to self: next time use 2x2 binning....  I used 1x1 in an attempt to get the best definition but really I should have gone with 2x2 as it made no difference here, I just didn't think :(


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Come out pretty neat Chris.

I will be doing some 2x2 on this as you say it's pretty faint & in short supply.

Nice definition & colouring Chris you should be happy with that.

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