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New old book - The Atlas of the Universe.


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Had a nice find today in a junk shop, I think its the first edition of Patrick Moore's The atlas of the universe. Any book experts here? If it is from the 1970's then its in very good condition. Looks like my next few days free time is now taken up :grin:

The atlas of the universe

The atlas of the universe

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I`ve got the 1990 edition "The new atlas of the universe" (Norwegian translation) myself. Interesting to read the introduction part where Sir Patrick Moore says he had to change almost everything from the 1970 edition, but some of the historical parts. Also read a post in Cloudy Nights where a member was delighted to find the 1970 edition, just like you  :smiley: .

Check out the Pluto chapter, he was discussing whether it was right to call Pluto a planet or not. Did they debate the same thing in 1970?


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Heya I`ve got the 1990 edition "The new atlas of the universe" (Norwegian translation) myself. Interesting to read the introduction part where Sir Patrick Moore says he had to change almost everything from the 1970 edition, but some of the historical parts. Also read a post in Cloudy Nights where a member was delighted to find the 1970 edition, just like you  :smiley: .Check out the Pluto chapter, he was discussing whether it was right to call Pluto a planet or not. Did they debate the same thing in 1970? Rune

The section on Pluto does discuss if it is big enough to call a planet , even questions if they have measured it correctly or if they have measured the correct thing even ..."in which case Pluto remains to be discovered " is how the chapter ends . We may know a lot more about Pluto this time next year when New Horizons does its flyby ... Let's hope so ...

It is a very interesting book ,will keep a look out for a new edition as well .

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