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NGC 6888 and a not so good M31 from last night

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Here are my Images from last night (click on image to enlarge).

I cant wait for it to get darker at night as I only get about 2 hours before it starts getting light again and I can put much more time into an image.

Anyway here are last nights attempts.

NGC 6888 - The Crescent Nebula

11 x 240s Lights

5 x 240s Darks

ISO 800

I will be adding more data to this when I get the chance.



12 x 240s Lights

10 x 120s Lights

No darks as I ran out of time.

ISO 400

Sorry, this one is blurry, framing was off as I forgot just how big this is and it is also heavily cropped. It was very low and I could only just get it over the fence, I should of spent more time on The Crescent and I need to learn to have more patience and stick to one image a session to get the data :)


Both images taken using:

SW 150 PDS, EQ5 Pro Synscan GOTO.

Guiding: SW ST80 and QHY5

Modded Canon 600D with CLS clip filter

Using: BYEOS, PHD, DSS and trial version of Photoshop.

Next plan of action is to get my head around Flat and Bias frames.

Thanks for looking.

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