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Saturn Sunday Feb 17th


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Hello all,

I know that this image doesn't compare with others on this site, but its the first one that I have taken of the ringed planet through my new C9.25 scope using a CCD security camera with infra red blocking filter and 2x TAL barlow. I think about 1000 frames stacked in Registax (which I have never used before - I just let the software do its thing) and then some enhancing to colours in Photoshop Elements. More (and better I hope) to come particularly of Lunar.

Got to say the Dew-Not system was ace keeping the prodigious dew at bay on that very cold and frosty night.



(click to enlarge)[/center

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Hi Sam,

Thanks, but it perhaps does look a little too yellow. On the other hand mine looks too green. I wonder if the IR blocking filter is having an adverse effect on the colours?

Here is another attempt this time manipulated in Registax only.



(click to enlarge)[/center

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