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Photo Processing

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Hi Guys,

I suspect this has been asked many times before but I'm still definitely in the noob category, especially when it comes to AP. I've just started experimenting with my Saumsung compact digi on a Baader stage but have no software to help process and enhance the pics. Attached is my first attempt at saturn thru a bit of haze last night. What would you all recommend I get to help clean this up a bit?


Thanks guys and gals,

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For descent planetary the process is quite different than say wide field work. Your going yo want to possibly try eyepiece projection with your camera using an adapter. You take still frames using movie mode and then stack those for a more detailed picture. There are a few tutorials on here for you to research it. Best of luck in your quest and look up!

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Planets are difficult with single frames I have found the easiest way with them is to use a web cam and a laptop. Take an avi and then stack it through RegiStax or something similar.

The 'embarrassing Jupiter' thread is a really good source of info and will get you up in no time.

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Thanks guys. That image was a single shot jpeg but I'll try shooting it in video next time and seeing what registax can do with it.

Any other ideas will also still be welcomed as I'm willing to try any method/software that's available to me (without spending loads on new equipment - that'll have to wait for a while)

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So, we've had another bash at taking pics of Saturn with my bud's DSLR although it was mostly experimental trial and error stuff. As I don't have a motorised mount we've had to take a series of single shots for stacking together later. As we've never tried this before we've tried several different combinations of shutter speed and ISO setting. Can anyone give me any hints or tips as to what combo would work best for this? I'm actually waiting for the results of the processing (as my bud's doing it - his camera after all) but any suggestions for the best settings would be gratefully received to save some time for our next attempt.


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