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Layers Box in Photo-Shop

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On processing Narrowband images,i wish to make use of clipping masks. 

For this I will work on all three images,but I want them to remain visible in the Layers box in photo-shop.

At the moment I open say the H-Alpha image,which becomes the Background image in the Layers box,i work on that ,with my clipping mask,then I want to open say the O111 image,the H-Alpha image is then replaced by the O111,which then becomes the background.

In Tutorials you see they have all he images open in the Layers Pallette,so how is that achieved.

I,m obviously missing something simple here.

Hope you understand what I,m getting at.



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There are loads of users of photoshop, but most people just cut and paste the individual greyscale images into the separate channels of a new RGB image. There doesn't seem to be much of an advantage to using clipped layer masks for artistic, rather than scientific, purposes. 

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I followed Ken's tutorial and it worked for me exactly as he did it in the video. Let me have another bash at it tonight. I remember you do have to rename the background layer so you can clip it. I.e. you don't have a 'background' layer anymore, they are all just normal layers.

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