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FIrst Test - QHY5-II

David Smith

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Trip to IAS today resulted in my coming home with a new camera - a QHY5-II mono cmos camera. Purchased primarily so I can have a go at solar Ha imaging with a mono camera but the Moon provided a convenient test target this evening. Bear in mind that I do not have a tracking mount (not even RA motor) so this is tracked by hand. Captured using QHY's Ezplanetary software (which seems quite intuitive by the way), converted from 400 frame avi to TIF and the stacked in Registax 5.1. Followed by a few tweaks in GIMP.

I have lots to learn! If I am lucky the weather may give me an opportunity to test it on the Sun briefly tomorrow.

14182761887_e2650b148b_o.jpg20140607 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

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Great first light for the cam, can't wait to see some more from it David. Definitely a promising start.

I'm kind of jealous of you guys at IAS but at least I could work on the tan a bit today instead. :D

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