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What to expect


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Hi All,

Celestron Nexstar 4se, Canon EOS 450D, stacked video recorded with EOS Movrec.

Jupiter, two moons, shadow of right-hand moon on planet surface

This is my best image of jupiter so far, I need some opinions on it to see if it is the best I can expect to get with my setup or can it be improved. I guess I am happy with the detail (or can that beimproved) but I accept that the image is noisy (again, is it possible to improve this with my setup?).

Be brutal, I have a broad back! I just need to know that I will not be wasting my time trying to improve on this given the equipment I have.


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Looks pretty good to me but a bit overexposed. I am not familiar with EOS Movrec. I use Backyard EOS (BYE) which controls the camera and enables you to have 5X or 10X digital zoom on top of any barlow mag. It out puts in AVIs. You didn't say how you stacked it but I would recommend running it through PIPP which selects the best quality images for stacking and then AS!2 and finishing with wavelets, RGB align, contrast  etc in Registax 6. It's always better to underexpose than overexpose. On your laptop the image should look a bit underexposed for the best results.

Great image nevertheless.


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Thanks Peter,

Eos Movierec is similar to BYE. I also use PIPP AND AS!2, but Registax scares me - I don't understand all that wavelets stuff, I so I use GIMP to tweak the image with curves etc. Do you know of any decent Registax tutorials?



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