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Amateurs Resurrect Old Space Probe

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Has anyone been following the ISEE-3 Reboot project? It's aim is to gain control of a old NASA/ESA solar probe and park it in orbit for future use. Back in 1982 it was redirected to investigate comet Giacobini-Zinner in 1985 as the International Cometary Explorer. Now after 30 years it has swung back around close to Earth again. NASA doesn't have any funds to run it, but have been giving assistance to a team of amateurs including ex-employees who hope to fire it up in the next few weeks. There is a small window of opportunity to redirect it into a halo orbit around a Lagrangian point.

The latest update sounds promising, they are now in two-way communication with the probe. Fingers crossed. A 2008 check revealed that most of the instruments were still working and it had plenty of propellant on board, but I don't think anyone really knows what the odds are.


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That's crazy!

Here's hoping they achieve their goal.

That probe is about the same age as me and has been flying around the solar system for all these years and still responds when a signal is sent to it.



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