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Second attempt at sketching something!

Globular cluster M92 this time. Once again the actual glob is just a bit of a shaped smudge. Used the 12mm BST this time after finding it in the 25mm. Started to get some better detail as it got darker at around 23:30 but had to get to bed for an early start.


I was finding it hard to hold pencils, stump and eraser so I've got myself a clipboard and made a pencil wrap from some synthetic leatherette stuff that I had left over from making my son's Jedi costume and a stapler :) Also pictured is a DIY stump that's much softer and picked up graphite nicely from a 6B rubbed on some value 180 grit sandpaper. Found it much easier than using a pencil directly on to paper and smudging it with a stump afterwards.




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Very nice, would be interesting to see the same object sketched again but later when it was darker.

You use a very similar technique as me, I think it usually takes a while to figure out the best way to sketch objects but having everything handy and organised is half the battle.

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