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DSLR/Barlow combination help

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I've spent ages trying to get my barlow attached to my 550d, I have loads of adapters but I still cant seem to configure this connection !

Its a 3xED barlow from Opticstar http://www.opticstar.com/Run/Astronomy/Astro-Accessories-Imagers-Opticstar.asp?p=0_10_5_0_3_36

Has anyone got a pic of this type of set-up that might give me a nod into which direction I should be going with it ?

I'm planning to have a go with the movie crop mode to get some data on Saturn, having recentley seen some possible results on here I thought it would give me something to do inbetween the clouds !


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i have never used a DSLR for planetary imaging, but a T Ring and a T mount camera adapter would allow you to slide the DSLR into the barlow like any other conventional 1.25" piece of equipment. one of these  http://www.firstlightoptics.com/adaptors/t-rings.html  and then this http://www.firstlightoptics.com/adaptors/flo-125-inch-t-mount-camera-adapter.html


the barlow will be on the end of the camera prior to fitting to the scope.

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