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Cannon astro mod


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When you mod a camera, the newer cameras such as yours, has two filters in front of the sensor, only one is removed, the one that cuts the Ha signal, the other is left in place as it is a very good IR block filter, which you need in digital imaging.

So to,answer your question, you can remove the one filter and leave nothing in its place, but the autofocus with a normal lens will be slightly off at infinity and you will not be able to correct this, it does not matter if the camera is only used with a telescope as you focus using the scope, if you replace the filter with the baader replacement one it will restore the autofocus function, but the mod is more expensive.

If you say you are only going to,use on a telescope or with lenses that are manual focus then there is no need to replace the filter with anything.

These people will do the mode for around £85 include in return SD


BTW I have a modded 1000D with just a filter removal.

Hope that helps


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