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Horsehead Nebula 9x 10mins subs

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Hi All i have posted 9x 10 Min's subs of Horsehead Nebula taken on 13-02-08

they were taken on my new mount in a attic room, which i have posted pics in equipment gallery.

I'm still testing the mount out, as you guys know I'm new to all this. Can someone be good enough

to process this image and post it back with step by step instructions on how this was achieved.

It would be great help to us newbies. I'm using photoshop cs3 with Noel Carboni astronomy tools.

Thanks..I have already stacked the files in deepskystacker and saved it as a 16bit tiff. here is the link


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Pluto old pal , you need to first get the image right in DSS. Don't just save the image it first spits out straight as a TIFF. you need to have a fiddle in Deep sky stacker first with the RGB levels darkness highlight and midtones, also a bit more saturation.

I'm no expert on this , but as you can see below a bit of messing in DSS enables a good starting block for the post processing in Photoshop.

If the experts in DSS think that the levels are a bit off please say because i'm on the steep learning curve aswell.




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........... Post process .

Gradient Exterminator (superb plugin)

A bit of curves R-G-B

and levels.

Hey presto. Just a quick blast at it so no laughing :laughing6:

Oh yeah the image is a bit noist maybe because DSS only accepted 7 Subs . i don't know.


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Hi Pluto,

Had a go at your image broke all the rules but there is lot of data in there, it just needs to be tweaked out, here is a tutorial link on how to use levels to eek out the data out of your image http://www.dens-astropics.org.uk/page40.html, give it a try, there is no substitute to actually having a go yourself.

After stacking in DSS it is usually better to just take the "Autosave.tiff" file directly into Photoshop and process it there, as it is a 16 bit Tiff file it will initially look very dark and you may think there is nothing in there but it is it just needs adjustment to Levels and Curves and maybe some Saturation to bring the image to life. Photoshop Elements will not open this file as it is a 16 bit Tiff, if you save the file in DSS to an Tiff it will save as 8 bit and open in Elements.

Try and follow the tutorial and see how you get on.


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