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Electric focuser


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While my wife was at a wedding rehearsal I found myself needing something to do before I join them for dinner and since I have been getting into astrophotography but didn't have time to spend learning the Arduino system I decided to run to Radio Shack and gathered all the parts to create a electric focuser. It's not an original idea, I know, but thought I would share how I created it. I with an idea similar to this guy, http://emediadesigns.com/emediadesigns.com/focuser/ but made a little change in the design. First instead of using a momentary DPDT switch, I decided to use just a DPDT switch for direction and a single momentary switch. I mounted each on opposite sides which gave me easier control with one hand. Secondly i used O rings to provide the grip. Besides trials I haven't had a chance to try it but I hope that in the next day or two the weather will still be clear so I can have a go. For something that cost me about $60 US I'm very pleased with the end result.


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I made mine the same way but mounted the servo differently. I put the servo with the flat plate against the focuser knob with a thin piece of foam between to act as a clutch. You still can manually turn the focuser if needed as it just slides between the foam. The handset has limited movement but you just do rough adjustment with the knob then fine tune with the servo.post-33784-140043065985_thumb.jpgpost-33784-140043070734_thumb.jpg

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