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afocal imaging

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Hello to all,

Newby here hoping to get some info on taking photos through my telescope.

So I'll jump right in if that's ok.

I have a home made 8inch fast Newtonian , and having some difficulty getting

my eyepiece ( 8mm 60 degree ed) to focus through my logitech c910 webcam.

I'm running debut, cam desk, and the driver supplied by logitech.

I've also tried lower powered eyepieces all to no avail.

Is it a program problem,or the fact that I'm using an un modified webcam?

All answers gratefully accepted.



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Would sound mechanical more the software.

Does the webcam display an image when not in the holder?

If not then that is the start/problem.

For afocal the initial position would be to drop eyepiece in and focus on the object.

Assuming your eyes are not too bad that should mean that collimated light is coming out of the scope/eyepiece.

You would then attach the webcam holder and webcam to the eyepiece and it should be more or less correctly set up for the lens in the webcam to focus the scope output on to the webcam.

If nothing on the webcam then is the holder and webcam actually "flat" across the optical axis.

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It's more likely to be the way you are trying to image rather than a software problem. How are you connecting the camera to the eyepiece and are you focusing the eyepiece beforehand ? The camera may also struggle to focus on anything if there is insufficient contrast in the eyepiece image.

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Hello again.

Yes I have a perfect image through the webcam on its own, and my scope is collimated .

I have a webcam holder for the webcam and eyepiece, and I can get it to focus by moving the

Eyepiece away from the webcam by about 30mm.

This then causes vignetting which I can't reduce enough through the software .

I don't think it's a telescope issue,as the tunnel effect( vignetting) is caused by the moving

of the eyepiece away from the webcam to focus it.

I think it's something to do with the type of eyepiece ,or the maybe the holder/adaptor



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Hi again,

Yes Ronin you hit the nail exactly right!

Answer as always was staring me in the face.

Start with the eyepiece on its own in the focuser,the rest as they say is obvious.

Many thanks again , at the moment I'm watching some sheep in a field over a mile away.

Hope the farmer don't mind!!!



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