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What is the best Eyepiece for Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc

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Hi Peter,

Glad to hear it's going well. I use a 130P and rarely go much higher than 150x on planets. Even 60x with your 15mm EP can be quite satisfying on Jupiter, and sometimes it's all you can do.

Avoiding excessive magnification - which is generally a good idea - gives a bright enough view that coloured filters can be used to enhance contrast. An even cheaper tool is to look at Jupiter through light cloud - like last night here in Northamptonshire. It reduces the glare and the atmosphere is often at its most stable on nights when it's not terribly clear... we have quite a few of those.

Enjoy your scope and eyepieces :-)


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Guys guys guys  :evil:

Anyway, I finally settled with the equipment that I've got in my signature. I'm more than happy with my selection of scopes(even though 80% of users would disagree with my choice). I've had both mine my my friends 130P side by side(on Jupiter) and neither of us could really see any differences, otherwise I would have sent my back. Once the clouds over Brum start to dissipate and  I can start to learn some astro photography, I will be even more happier...

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If you're happy with your selection, then I don't imagine anyone could say it was a bad selection (:

When you get to astrophotography, I'd love to see the difference between a live-view from your webcam and a live-view from the cameras.

All the best!

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