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Why I couldn't find Saturn with my camera

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I recently attempt to image Saturn with my DSLR in eyepiece projection - I'd already captured Mars and Jupiter with ease, but when I pointed the camera at Saturn, it steadfastly refused to appear in the viewfinder. I now know why and how to acquire it, so I thought I'd share it in case anybody else has the same issue.

It turns out it actually was in the viewfinder - I just couldn't see it on live view because it was so faint (even though it looked very bright in the scope) and particularly because it was so out of focus once the camera was added to the visual train. How do I know this? Last night I put the camera on the eyepiece lens but did not turn it on. I then looked through the viewfinder and could clearly see the pale grey circle with spider shadows. I focussed this down and then switched the camera on, setting it to ISO 6400 and 1/30. This is way too much light but means you can't miss seeing your target! You can then set the correct ISO etc. and get going.

All I need now is another clear sky so I can get some decent footage.

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Exactly like my first experience with Saturn. I was seeing Jupiter fine, but then swinging back to Saturn resulted in nothing. I just didn't appreciate at the time how much fainter Saturn is. I thought I was going mad! LOL

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