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Imaging with Advanced VX Mount

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I have an Advanced VX mount, with a Celestron 8 inch Newtonian on it right now, and I'm interested in doing some DSO imaging.  I understand that the Newtonian might be a bit large for this particular mount, especially for someone who is just starting out.

I am fully open to suggestions, as to what I can do with my current mount.  This is my first post here, but I've been lurking for about a month.  Signs seem to point me towards picking up a refractor/autotracker/CCD - but I also have a DSLR (Canon T2I) and I'm prepared to sacrifice the IR filter if this would work better.

My overall budget is about $2,000 - but would like to keep it around $1,500 if possible.

Right now I'm looking at the following setup:

Orion 120mm f/5

Orion StarShoot G3 (not sure if I should get the colour, or monochrome one?)

and then an Orion Autoguider kit.

This falls to within the $2,000 range with shipping and tax (as well as a few other accessories I would need).

Again, I don't have my mind set on any particular item on this list, it's just what I've been able to put together on my own.  Totally open to suggestions and ideas as I am a total noob who has only done observation/afocul in the past.  If I have to replace my Advanced VX mount I will in the long run, but I would like to get a feel for this at entry level before I invest $5,000+ on kit.

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welcome to the forum,

i would say there is no real reason that you could not image using your newtonian scope, you could use the canon camera you already have and you should be able to get focus ok, but it would be easier using something like a short focal length 80mm refractor, you can still use the canon for wide field imaging on that scope also, then you might want to think about guiding so you can get longer sub lengths without star trails, then after using this setup for a while maybe think of getting a ccd camera then as these can be alot of money for a good one, indeed it could swallow your total budget for a nice one !

on both cameras i would suggest focusing with a bantinov mask

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The weight limit is 30 lbs, but I have 22lbs of counter weight instead of the stock 11lbs. The tube weight is 14 lbs, but if I add 6lbs worth of auto tracker and a 3lb camera I would be over the limit or very close to it.

If I had a CCD instead of the Canon I might squeak under it though.

I am looking into Bahtinov mask now

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Make your own bahtinov mask from the back of a A4 file and a box cutter.

Here's a templatepost-36524-0-32040600-1397347598_thumb.j

print out big enough to fit into the open end of the OTA and tape it to the file cover and cut away the white stuff.

You ARE close to your weight limit, but the limit is the PAYLOAD, not the weights - so use an extension to allow the single weight to do its job and you're home free.

Stay out of the  wind

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Hi Kenny,

I'm glad that I found your post, I've been eyeing on the same mount + telescope too, but the weight really bothers me. You mentioned the tube is 14lbs, is it including tube ring, supplied focuser and finderscope ? If not could please let me know the total? 

Sky-watcher NEQ6 Pro is my next option, supporting ~40lbs payload, but it also means $400 more.

Anyone else out there have been using the same mount+scope for imaging? How does it cope with the extra weight.?


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Here is a few recent images from my avx mount and an 8" Orion Newt, no coma corrector and a canon camera.  None of these images were done with any guiding, 30 seconds up to 2 minutes and 30 seconds.  Make sure to get the best polar alignment you can to start with.  As long as you have it properly balanced with all equipment you will be imaging with attached, you will be ok.  I used nothing but photoshop for processing.




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