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DMK21AU618 Firstlight on LOHA


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Can I just check, you capture 1200 frames on the laptop and then when you view/process them on the desktop it turns in to 2400 frames, the alternate ones blank? Does it do that on the laptop?

I have a DMK21, DMK41, DFK21AU618 an a DFK31 and I have never seen that happen. I occasionally get the odd blank frame but that it is it. I have used WinXP and Win7 both 32 bit and 64 bit. I have always used IC Capture and switch between AS2 and Registax.

If I had to guess I would say that whatever you are using to view/process the files is mistaking the file type and opening it with the wrong colour space. Have you tried opening it in anything else?

Is the file size right for the number of frames and content?


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Yep that right...

ICCap says it's recorder 1200 frames in 20s using Y800 codec

The Idle State manager doesn't run automatically when I start ICCap it has to be run before I run ICCap .. IT has the effect of running the processor in "Turbo" mode while ISM is active.

I have just capture "1200" frame AVI's with and without ISM enable using both the USB3.0 and USB2.0 ports on the laptop all configurations show 1200 frames in 20s in ICCap , I am just about to see what Registrax and AS!2 say...

Thanks for all you suggestions :)

Just checked them in Registrax 6.1 ans AS!2 and all 4 avi's are 2400 frames in length with alternate black frames...


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Just had another thought, does the AVI you take contain the blank frames or is it when you load it in to a stacker? The Imaging Source cameras have a little quirk, it is the difference between what the camera can take and what it can transfer to the PC.

How fast the camera will take is dependant on the exposure. If you want 60fps you need at least 1/60th of a second, actually you need a little bit more for readout and processing in the camera. A 1/76th should be okay, but 1/91st would be better. If you are using higher than that then this isn't the issue.

Next you have to set the camera download rate, this is the frame rate, set it to 60fps. This tells the camera and the software to send and expect 60 frames per second.

Thirdly the USB and PC has to be capable of transferring and processing 60fps. This almost certainly means USB2 and a reasonably fast processor. Try switching off everything on the PC that isn't required, dont have any other programs open and disconnect from the Internet. You might even have to turn off Anti Virus.

If the blank frames are in the file you capture, it means the PC, camera and USB just can't keep up, so IC Capture inserts blank frames, although how it produces a file with 1200 frames in it, plus the extra blank frames I have no idea. If your file doesn't have the blank frames then they are been inserted by the software you use to have a look at the file.

You could try PIPP to see if the blank frames are in the captured file or if they are inserted when opened to view/process.

Just calculated some numbers to see if this helps you track down the problem

640x480x8bits x 60fps = 147Mb/s, so it has to be USB2

20 secs = 368MByte file.

I take 3 minute runs with a DFK21 and get around 11,000 frames on the planets, there are very few blank fames and it loads in to Registax 5.1, Reg 6 and AS!2 without a problem.


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The exposure are 1/1000s or faster

The Container is AVI with Y800

The Processor is an I5-2450M (2.5GHz normal 2.9GHZ Turbo mode - when ISM is active )  with 6GB of Ram capturing to a  6 Gbps SSD  

All video apps report an AVI in Uncompressed Y800 and 2400 frames (alternate black)


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Pete<br />

<br />

I've been watching this thread and never saw the alternating black frames with the camera. Personally I would consider removing all of the IC software/drivers and reloading it also consider reinstalling the Y800 codec<br />

<br />

Kev<br />

<br />

<br />

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Blame Apple for the typos and me for the content

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Kev beat me to it, that was going to be my next suggestion. Just of a matter of interest, which operating system are you using?

If that doesn't work, try an email to IS support, I have found them pretty helpful in the past and I would be surprised if they haven't seen this before.


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The laptop was used with a Skyris 455M inthe past and that came with a "celestronised" vesrion of ICCap

Ok the plot thickens...

Exactly the same thing is happening on my I7-4930K desktop which I only built at Crimbo so It has never "seen" the celestron amera and software only the software and drivers downloaded from the IS website...

Both Machines are running Windows 7x64 the laptop is Home Premium and the Desktop is Ultimate...


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I dug out my old Samsung NC10 Netbook - Windows XP and 2GB of RAM runing ICCap 2.2 and it grabbed frames at 60 fps and the resulting AVI was exactly 1200 frames long and no blank frames...

So do I go for a process of elimination - try ICCap 2.2 on the newer machines and ICCap2.3 on the netbook...


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I would try both of those things you mentioned. Of course it could be something else that is installed which is causing the problem?

I think I am using version 2.2 on a Win7 64 bit Home Premium, it was downloaded from the IS site. It might be v2.3 though as my hard disk crashed a month or so ago and I had to reinstall everything.


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Well it has me stumped. I downloaded the Idle State processor manager and installed it. I have never had to activate it when capturing, but it still solved my issues.

If you load the AVI in AS2 and Analyse it, all the black frames are put at the end of the avi and don't interfere with your stacking preferences.

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Well it has me stumped. I downloaded the Idle State processor manager and installed it. I have never had to activate it when capturing, but it still solved my issues.

If you load the AVI in AS2 and Analyse it, all the black frames are put at the end of the avi and don't interfere with your stacking preferences.

You and me both :)


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