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I have a new favorite observing spot


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I'd been thinking about asking my great aunt if she minded if I used her yard for some observation, because there's no "booger light" as people around here call them in her yard, and because there are more open spaces around her house, since this is a heavily wooded area. So, a little less than an hour ago, I called her and asked if she minded if I went over there tonight with the 10x50's. I couldn't stay out long, because I've been sick, and it's a bit on the cool side, but I went for about 30 minutes, and it was better than I could have guessed. I had absolutely no trouble spotting M67 with the naked eye, so I know limiting magnitude was better than 6.1. I would have loved to have stayed out longer, but I could feel the cold air getting to my throat, but while I was out there, I took a look at Jupiter, Mars, Mizar and Alcor, M67, M45, and quite a few other objects. Since this is the first night in about 4 nights that it's been clear, that made it even better. I'll definitely be doing that again.

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