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Camera Question/Complete Beginner

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I'm mainly into observing at the moment but I was thinking doing some basic Lunar and Planetary imaging with a couple of cheap camera's I've already got:



The first is a mini camcorder. the second is a compact digital. Which one do you think I should use?

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Not sure if either will be suitable, but if they both have a movie mode, just try them.

The low cost route into astrophotography is to buy a webcam and a powerful Barlow, take video and stack the best individual video frames using a special program like Registax.

I'm sure you will find good advice elsewhere on this forum to get you started, so good luck!

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If they have a tripod socket on them they make a few eyepiece adaptor rigs that will work with them. Orion sells one but i found it much much cheaper on Ebay. $17 dollars compared to $59.99 Just does not carry the Orion name on it. Try the Canon first.

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Scopes and Skies sell a good adjustable holder here which should be able to hold most camera that have the 1/4 inch tripod socket onto a 1.25" EP.

As to how well they will work is another thing. For lunar if you can get focus and have control over the exposure you may well get some good AFocal images.

Before you go out and spend any money try holding them up to the EP to see what you can get. If that works you could also try sitting them on a tripod up to the EP. The second option takes a lot of work to get things lined up not helped with the earth rotating so fast at 0.25 degrees a minute.

With some time and experimenting I think you may be surprised as to how good the results on lunar images maybe. For planetary images you really do need video mode and be able to control a lot of the settings. Again do give it a try there is no harm and the good thing about digital is the only cost is your time and power to the camera.,

Good luck.

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