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M82, M13 and ngc4565 lum data


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I've just installed a new computer and with it all the software need to run my imaging rig. That was quite a task to start from scratch! I built the PC from bits for the obs (i7 @ 3.8GHz, 20GB DDR3, 500GB SSD and sundry data drives - and it has REAL com ports :-) ) Anyway, 'Mission Control' now looks like this:


and a couple of shots last night showing I have the plate solver (Elbrus) up and running, and sync'ed with Starry Night:



Here are the first images out the bag, just luminance data for SN2014J in M82 (which I'm trying to monitor as it fades), then ngc4565 (I have LRGB data but not processed the colour yet), and M13 (a flat battery stopped the session early and I only have Lum and Green channels).

Data aquired with NP127is, Atik 490EX 1:1, G11+Gemini L4.

M82 3x15min

ngc4565 5x10min

M13 5x10min





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