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Quick question about EP's

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Hello fellow star fiends..

I have a quick question if you don't mind answering for me.

I currently have the Expanse 6mm and 15mm wide field EP's that came with my telescope. My question is, would a Plossl or say the Orion Edge-on Planetary 6mm or 15mm EP give me the same results when looking at say Jupiter. I'd think that they would be better at say seeing detail as they are probably designed for more focused views on planets.  Am I wrong?

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Very difficult to answer.

The only detail I can get on them is they are a 5 element, this makes me think that it is similar to a plossl with an extra lens at the lower end to gather light over a wider angle. Thus giving the larger angle of view. I think Meade used to sell similar, I think as a Super Plossl (All this is a bit of guess work, and could end up with 2+2 = 5).

Would a simpler plossl be better, it could be but the eye relief is non-existant so I would abandon that. You would need to get a good plossl as well, as in TV.

One 6mm that seems well received is the William Optics SPL, the FoV is 55 degrees however.

Not actually that many 6mm eyepieces that come to mind.

Depending on the scope I would almost say throw caution to the wind and try an Astro-Tech Paradigm at 5mm.

Hoping someone like BillP will come along and give information.

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Hi Lonestarr, the William Optics 6mm SPL is a good planetary ep, much better than the plossl, but not knowing what your scope is I can't give a magnification, in my f/9 it gives 150x and crisp clear views.

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I use a Starblast 4.5 EQ.

I guess I could have worded that question better.  What I was trying to ask is this.  Say I'm looking at Jupiter with my scope, would my 6mm Expanse wide field EP see the same quality Jupiter as say an Edge-On Planetary EP? If that makes any sense.

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I know the expanse would allow me to see more in the EP itself as far as the stuff around Jupiter but if I'm just trying to get a good shot of the planet would they both pretty much do the same thing? If they are pretty much the same is there a point in getting say something like an edge on planetary over a wide field EP.

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