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few shots on Leo area

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Here is like 17 minutes of data shot as 400 iso I think there was 4 images at various lengths.  Tried to get rid of coma and vingnetting  by doing a drop and did a background extraction.  I was going to go for the triplet but it got late quick on me.  post-34263-0-79884500-1394738574_thumb.p

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Thanks!  That's much better looking.  PixInsight is such a daunting program to try and learn everything.  I have it but I don't know half of what the program can do at this point.  Watched a few tutorials but there is so much that can be done.  Im stickin with it though. 

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ahh, you've got Pixinsight !  Here are the settings I used in the Atrous Wavelet Transform and a simple before/after.  Like magic really !  TGV Denoise is even better, but takes a while to configure.  Better to apply the denoise after protecting the stars with a star mask to keep them sharp


There's a bit of large-scale blotch in the background after you do the denoise - probably worth having another go at DBE, maybe after the denoise, to try to flatten it, then you won't have to lower the background as much as I did (though I didn't crop any pixels, honest !)

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